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The conference will bring together directors, curators and managers of international cultural institutions to discuss topical issues. The conference provides a rare opportunity to raise your profile, promote your findings and learn from the best representatives of the museum community.
Creating an effective digital strategy: guidelines and best practices. How to increase digital visits. Recommendations for improving the museum website. Museums on TikTok: best practices. What are the best ways of staff training to help them produce and present digital content effectively?
How best to choose technology and software solutions. Digitalization of museum collections: selection of equipment, types of digital copies, resolution and other parameters for assessing the digitalization quality. Three-dimensional digitalization of museum collections. Role of digital curators. Challenges of funding and staff training for smaller museums.
New technologies and multimedia content: immersive content. Organizing virtual tours. Interactive technology, educational and entertainment content; using panoramic monitors, projectors, video sets. Scanning an exhibit and creating holographic images, video mapping. Storage and security of digital content.
NFTs and copyright: what to keep in mind. Legal issues behind releasing and selling an NFT.
How to create a unique NFT? How to convert physical art into NFTs? The difference between a token and the underlying asset. Managing assets. Where are they stored? What are the rights attached to assets and tokens?
Selling NFT “merchandise” through museum shops.
Selling NFT “merchandise” through museum shops.
How to prepare for an NFT exhibition? How to display NFT art? How to technically prepare for the process of transferring NFT to another wallet?
Challenges to access to digital culture for vulnerable groups, inclusivity and the implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty. How to ensure accessibility of all people with disabilities to museums? What to consider when designing an accessible environment and barrier-free space? Recommendations on the selection and use of technical means of objects adaptation. What to consider when installing adaptation equipment: entrance group modification, safety of ramp configuration, lifting platforms; safety railings and ramps with a special non-slip coating; tactile guiding system; sanitary room modification. Providing parking facilities for persons with disabilities.
Challenges to access to digital culture for vulnerable groups, inclusivity and the implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty. How to ensure accessibility of all people with disabilities to museums? What to consider when designing an accessible environment and barrier-free space? Recommendations on the selection and use of technical means of objects adaptation. What to consider when installing adaptation equipment: entrance group modification, safety of ramp configuration, lifting platforms; safety railings and ramps with a special non-slip coating; tactile guiding system; sanitary room modification. Providing parking facilities for persons with disabilities.
Museum crowdfunding and fundraising: what could be done to make a museum project effective? Subsidies and grants. How do museums cope with possible funding cuts? Virtual world vs. real world: major fundraising trends in the virtual world. The future of fundraising.
How to build a strategic partnership with donors? What are the best ways to cultivate donors? The role of personal relationship between the sponsor and museum representatives. Inviting sponsors to museum events and sending holiday gifts to donors. How will the way they donate money change in the future?
online stores, marketplaces, applications. Product update. Important questions related to organization and promotion.
Contemporary collaborations between museums and universities, schools: key questions. Tours, courses, training, summer schools for children and teenagers.
best practices from the leading museums. Developing blogs, podcasts, computer games; social media activity; building interactive museum spaces for children and young people.