1 conference pass

An individual ticket to a virtual conference gives one person access.
Museum collections care
Modern museum: discover how museums are using artificial intelligence
Digital Art
We will host professionals around the globe to share knowledge and experience during the conference.
The conference is a fully virtual event. The conference will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at 16:00 pm (CET).
We will discuss some of the most important topics.
We will provide a recording of the conference after the event for 14 days.
Where do I start? How to deal with large, oversized objects? What are the best ways to group them? How to estimate how many storage furniture we will need? How best to choose storage furniture?
Practice in enhancing the efficiency of storage facilities, improving the safety of artifact handling, and providing museums with valuable data for collection management.
Guidelines on the labelling and marking of museum objects. How to сhoose the right accounting systems for the museum collections? How to craft a catalog workflow that supports the creation of consistent, quality data?
Elimination of accounting defects. Checks of museum collections. How to minimize documentation? Design of final documents checking the presence of collections.
Challenges of staff training for minimization risks related to careless handing and improper use.
Monitoring and stabilization of microclimate parameters; requirements for the microclimate of museum premises. Organization of monitoring of microclimate parameters in museum premises under conditions of storage, exhibition, and transportation. Methods for stabilizing the microclimate in museum display cases. Use of air conditioning systems in the museum.
Practical solutions for conservation of museum collections. Organizational impact and sustainability in preventive conservation. Biological damage to museum objects, methods of their prevention, methods of anti-insecticidal treatment and disinfection of surfaces from fungal and bacterial microflora.
Modern security system (fire protection of storage facilities, exhibition and restoration premises, including fire and alarm systems). How best to choose technologies and software solutions? Physical security of museum buildings, stock items and collections (presence of security alarms, video surveillance system, security posts).
Requirements for containers and packaging of museum objects made of different materials. Necessary conditions of transportation. Checking the safety of museum objects upon their arrival at the place of exhibition.
Where do I start? How to deal with large, oversized objects? What are the best ways to group them? How to estimate how many storage furniture we will need? How best to choose storage furniture?
Practice in enhancing the efficiency of storage facilities, improving the safety of artifact handling, and providing museums with valuable data for collection management.
Guidelines on the labelling and marking of museum objects. How to сhoose the right accounting systems for the museum collections? How to craft a catalog workflow that supports the creation of consistent, quality data?
Elimination of accounting defects. Checks of museum collections. How to minimize documentation? Design of final documents checking the presence of collections.
Challenges of staff training for minimization risks related to careless handing and improper use.
Monitoring and stabilization of microclimate parameters; requirements for the microclimate of museum premises. Organization of monitoring of microclimate parameters in museum premises under conditions of storage, exhibition, and transportation. Methods for stabilizing the microclimate in museum display cases. Use of air conditioning systems in the museum.
Practical solutions for conservation of museum collections. Organizational impact and sustainability in preventive conservation. Biological damage to museum objects, methods of their prevention, methods of anti-insecticidal treatment and disinfection of surfaces from fungal and bacterial microflora.
Modern security system (fire protection of storage facilities, exhibition and restoration premises, including fire and alarm systems). How best to choose technologies and software solutions? Physical security of museum buildings, stock items and collections (presence of security alarms, video surveillance system, security posts).
Requirements for containers and packaging of museum objects made of different materials. Necessary conditions of transportation. Checking the safety of museum objects upon their arrival at the place of exhibition.
An individual ticket to a virtual conference gives one person access.
Museum collections care
Modern museum: discover how museums are using artificial intelligence
Digital Art
This pass gives one person access to 2 virtual events.
Museum collections care
Modern museum: discover how museums are using artificial intelligence
Digital Art
This pass gives one person access to 3 virtual events.
Museum collections care
Modern museum: discover how museums are using artificial intelligence
Trend & Training can also organize an individual tour according to your requests. If you are interested in an individual tour, please contact us via email (contact@fr-conferences.com)